Question from reader...
From Christine Farnill:
Hi There! I have just purchased a copy of your book, and on first glance through, it seems absolutely excellent! I'm really looking forward to reading it from cover to cover...
However, I have just a few initial questions.
Forgive me if these are answered within the book itself!
1) I know this is probably 'bad' for me, but I do love a drink (alcoholic). Have tried to moderate and have succeeded in doing so over the years. Tend to have a couple of glasses of wine a night. What do you suggest I do to maximise the benefits of the Hibernation Diet? Honestly, would it better not to drink at all? I can't imagine life without a nice glass of wine from time to time, or cider (another fave). But I'm aware they're laden with calories!! Advice please!!!! Perhaps just occasionally???
2) I have one coffee a day, in the morning. Is this still ok?
3) I really enjoy cyling, swimming, spin classes at the gym - albeit they are tiring at times, but I love them and don't want to give them up! I'll have no trouble doing the resistance exercise (which I already do). Is it ok to carry on doing the other, or will this affect my blood sugar too much?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Best Regards, Christine