The Hibernation Diet Blog

Please use this blog to raise questions on the diet or to share your success stories. We will answer questions using the comments facility.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Question on Fat Levels:

I was wondering when your body will stop using fat as fuel when using hibernation recovery methods, as surely once the body gets to a certain level of bodyfat it will not want to go lower?

Does this differ from person to person? and if so what does the body use to fuel recovery whilst hibernating if it thinks you are holding too little fat?



At 3:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Recovery biology uses fatty acids for fuel.
Hibernation (in the true sense) converts fatty acids to ketones and uses them.
They are similar but not the same.
It would be virtually impossible to drop too low in fat stores using recovery alone.

Dramatic loss of fat stores only ocurr in starvation, anorexia, illness and during very heavy exercise regimes.

We use the word hibernation as a metaphor not as an actual practice, humans do not have the ability to hibernate.

When body fat stores drop below dangerous levels (below 6%) you are close to death.

Recovery biology could not reach these levels.


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