The Hibernation Diet Blog

Please use this blog to raise questions on the diet or to share your success stories. We will answer questions using the comments facility.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Question from reader...

From Christine Farnill:

Hi There! I have just purchased a copy of your book, and on first glance through, it seems absolutely excellent! I'm really looking forward to reading it from cover to cover...
However, I have just a few initial questions.

Forgive me if these are answered within the book itself!

1) I know this is probably 'bad' for me, but I do love a drink (alcoholic). Have tried to moderate and have succeeded in doing so over the years. Tend to have a couple of glasses of wine a night. What do you suggest I do to maximise the benefits of the Hibernation Diet? Honestly, would it better not to drink at all? I can't imagine life without a nice glass of wine from time to time, or cider (another fave). But I'm aware they're laden with calories!! Advice please!!!! Perhaps just occasionally???

2) I have one coffee a day, in the morning. Is this still ok?

3) I really enjoy cyling, swimming, spin classes at the gym - albeit they are tiring at times, but I love them and don't want to give them up! I'll have no trouble doing the resistance exercise (which I already do). Is it ok to carry on doing the other, or will this affect my blood sugar too much?

Thanks in advance for your help!
Best Regards, Christine


At 1:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you scroll down the main page you will see my answers to the questions on coffee and alcohol.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with your other activities provided refuel the liver before bed to activate recovery biology.


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