The Hibernation Diet Blog

Please use this blog to raise questions on the diet or to share your success stories. We will answer questions using the comments facility.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Question on Fat Levels:

I was wondering when your body will stop using fat as fuel when using hibernation recovery methods, as surely once the body gets to a certain level of bodyfat it will not want to go lower?

Does this differ from person to person? and if so what does the body use to fuel recovery whilst hibernating if it thinks you are holding too little fat?


Honey contains both fructose and glucose in proportions varying with the plants the nectar is collected from. Oil seed rape is high in glucose.
Would you advise against using oil seed rape honey in the Hibernation Diet?

Monday, October 23, 2006

Fruit and Night Time Biology

I was also wondering what your thoughts are on the studies that show fruit in the evening can ferment in your stomach causing yeast infections and so forth.
I love the way hibernating makes me feel otherwise, is there anything you can reccomend i do?


Quention on Diabetes

What would the effect of the Hibernation Diet be on those with Diabetes, whether type 1 or type 2?
Wouldn't the honey taken at night increase the blood sugar?