This revolutionary diet sounds so good to be true that the moment I read about it, I tried it. I have been taking 2 teaspoonful of manuka honey every night. I have also coupled it with yoga thrice a week, 1 hour each time.
It has been 2 weeks now, and to my horror, there is a noticeable gain in my weight and size, and clothes feel tighter. But I have to say that my complexion has improved quite a lot.
I have to admit there is no change in my diet, however, I am also not eating more than usual. I am still convinced by the argument, but there must be something I am doing wrongly. Can you please tell me where I've gone wrong?
Hello Anonymous,
This is not at all surprising.
When you optimise recovery biology you build lean tissue.
Lean tissue is muscle and muscle tissue is 20% protein and 80% water, and therefore heavy, much heavier than fat, which is 20% water.
Therefore when you combine the refuelling with exercise you build new lean tissue and all this is at the expense of fat, fat provides the energy for recovery biology.
You are redefining, improving your health and this is expressed by your complexion.
We hear this often.
Recovery biology works in every cell in the body and if you notice this in your skin it means it is happening elsewhere, in every tissue.
The real beauty of recovery biology is that not only does it use fat, it uses only body fat, whereas exercise uses both body and muscle fat.
Beyond that the recovery hormones are global and work everwhere.
Honey, by refuelling the liver before bed and providing stable blood glucose during the night fast, allows for optimal recovery during sleep.
You can reduce the amount of muscle being build by reducing the frequency of exercise.
Hi, Does this mean then that you won't lose weigth by following this diet, that was not clear to me in the answer?
Hello again Anonymous.
If you optimise recovery biiology the following can happen.
You may lose weight.
You may gain weight (muscle - see below).
You will certainly lose fat.
Recovery biology burns fat only (body fat) so all recovery loses fat tissue.
However if you do serious resistance work as strength athletes do the new lean tissue built is heavier than fat.
Muscle is 80% water and fat is 20% water and water is heavy.
Therefore it is possible to lose fat and gain weight but this outcome is relative to body type and exercise regime.
For the vast majority of overweight the fat loss would be the significant outcome.
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